Manjula Pothos (scientific name, Epipremnum aureum Manjula) is one of the easiest plants out there is also stunningly beautiful – the perfect indoor plant combination.
Also known as happy leaf pothos, HANSOTI14, jewel pothos, this plant is a relatively new and rare plant created in 2010 at the University of Florida.
Pronounced: man-JU-la
This tropical plant is slow-growing, compact, and trailing with dense foliage. It features marbled and blotched patterns of white variegation on heart-shaped leaves.
The Manjula differs from other Pothos varieties in that this plant has wavy edges while other Pothos leaves are flat. Looking at the leaves is the quickest way to identify this plant amongst different pothos varieties. The Manjula is adaptable, resilient, and thrives in home environments like other Pothos.
To keep the intense level of variegation, this plant will need more light than non-variegated pothos varieties. Otherwise, their care is similar to the more common Golden Pothos.
Even though this is an easy-going plant, you will want to keep some things in mind so your Majnula Happy Leaf Pothos will stay healthy and happy and keep its trademark variegation.
So, how do you care for Manjula Pothos plants?
Manjula Pothos Care
Here are the basics of Manjula Pothos care, which we will detail in this article.
- Soil: Well draining potting mix
- Pot: Adequate drainage holes are a must
- Light: Indirect light
- Water: Moderate, even moisture. Do not overwater.
- Humidity: 40-50% humidity is good, 60% is ideal
- Pruning: As needed to maintain the desired appearance
The best soil for Manjula Pothos is a regular, good-quality potting soil that you find at any gardening center. An African violet mix is also a good option for a ready-made potting mix.
Of course, you can also mix up your own soil to make it more custom for your plant. We recommend a DIY potting mix of 2 parts peat moss and 1 part perlite.
Another option is to buy bagged soil and add in a few handfuls of perlite or coco coir to increase the drainage of your bagged potting mix. Pothos plants do not like to sit in soggy soil, so drainage is essential.
This article provides a very detailed overview of making your own potting soil.
No products found.Fertilizer
Manjula Pothos plants don’t need regular fertilization, but fertilizing in the spring and summer will help with healthy growth and more variegated leaves. Apply a balanced liquid fertilizer once a month during the active growing season for best results.
Take care not to over-fertilize. Too much fertilizer, like too much water, is bad for your plant.
When choosing a pot for your Majula Pothos, the most crucial consideration is good drainage. Pothos plants hate to be too wet. Their roots will rot easily.
The root system of a Pothos is not extensive, so a smaller pot just bigger than the root ball will work great. Many new to growing Pothos plant them in a too big pot. When your pot is too big, it’s easier to overwater and up with soggy soil.
Manjula Pothos plants are excellent for hanging baskets because of their trailing growth habit.
You can also train this plant to grow straight upward by giving them some support like a moss pole or a totem pole made of coco coir. However, over time the leaves may no longer grow upwards and will begin to venture outwards instead.
Read our detailed guide: Moss Pole for Plants | What They Are and Why You Need One
They also make an excellent tabletop plant. Because of their slow growth, they will take some time to spill over the sides of whatever pot you choose.

As your plant matures, it will trail more and look fabulous on a high shelf cascading down.
Because Manjula Pothos are susceptible to root rot, watch for signs of browning and wilting. If browning and wilting aren’t caused by too much light, you might have a case of root rot. You will want to repot your plant right away. Avoid root rot by letting the soil dry before watering your plant.
How to Repot Manjula Pothos
Spring is the best time to repot your Manjula Pothos plant. You won’t need to repot it every year, just when it is outgrowing its current container.
This plant will tolerate being root-bound for a time – meaning it doesn’t mind being in a smaller pot. This tolerance also you more time to move it to a larger container.
Check your plant after one year to see if roots are growing out of the drainage holes of your pot. If not, check again in another year. It could be up to 2.5 years before your plant outgrows it’s a container.
When it is time to repot, follow these steps:
- Find a cute new pot that’s about 2 inches larger than your current one.
- Get some fresh potting mix that is well-draining. Add some perlite if desired for extra drainage.
- Carefully remove your plant from the current pot.
- Add your potting mix to the pot, about ⅓ to ½ full, so that the plant stands out of the pot at roughly the same height it did in the old pot.
- Once your plant is in, fill the rest of the pot with soil. Keep the soil loose and not too compact.
Sun/Light Requirements
One of the reasons Manjula Pothos is so perfect for beginners is that it’s not at all picky about lighting. This pothos plant can survive in bright, medium, or low light conditions. The one lousy light is direct sunlight, as it can scorch the leaves.
While it can survive in low light, it’s best to place your Manjula Pothos where it’ll receive plenty of natural light, indirect light. This light will help to keep the white variegation in the leaves.
In the dim light, your plant’s variegated leaves might lose some of the beautiful creamy-white colors. If you don’t have the right light in your home, you can always add a grow light. There are some nice-looking options available, and they’ll help give your plants just the right light. You can even use a lamp just during certain times of the year when your plant may receive less light through a window.
How to Water Manjula Pothos
Water your plant regularly and evenly when the soil feels less moist to the touch. Use your finger to check the soil. If the top is dry, but 2-3 inches down the soil is damp, give your plant some water. If the top of the soil is already moist, leave the watering for another week.
A Pothos can go around 2-3 weeks between watering. Manjula Pothos plants are resilient and can handle some neglect. If you forget to water your plant every once and a while, it should bounce back quickly.
Keep the following in mind when watering your Manjula Pothos:
- Manjula likes the soil moist, not soggy or wet.
- Never allow the plant to stand in water.
- During the growing spring and summer season, let the soil dry between waterings.
- Reduce watering during the fall and winter.
Overwatering causes issues in these plants. If you see brown spots with yellowing leaves, you are overwatering and need to adjust immediately before root rot sets in.
If you’re uncomfortable using your finger to judge the moistness of the soil, try using a moisture meter. A plant moisture meter is a simple, inexpensive device that tells you how much moisture there is in the soil. Just stick the instrument down into the soil and check the reading.
Does Manjula Pothos like humidity? Standard household humidity levels will be just fine for Manjula Pothos. However, their growth is more vigorous if they have extra moisture, so consider placing a humidifier nearby.
You can also increase the humidity surrounding your plants by grouping like plants together. When you place plants in a group, moisture evaporates from their leaves, increasing humidity around the plants.
The best way to add humidity to your houseplants is a plant humidifier.
We have two fantastic articles detailing humidifiers for plants:
Best Humidifier for Plants
How to Use a Humidifier for Plants
Pro Tip: An inexpensive hygrometer is a wise investment in testing the humidity level in your home and adjusting it accordingly for your plants.

Manjula Pothos is very tolerant to a wide range of temperatures. The temperature inside your home should suit this plant well.
How much you prune your Manjula Pothos will depend on how you display your plant and how you want it to look. Without pruning, its vines will keep growing and may start to look messy.
That said, in addition to aesthetics and encouraging new growth, you’ll want to remove dead, discolored, or damaged leaves regularly.
Also, trim out stems that look leggy or don’t have many leaves. Pruning these will allow the plant to direct its energy toward new growth.

Common Issues With Manjula Pothos Plants
While this is a straightforward plant to grow, you’ll still want to give it proper care as described in this article, or you may see some issues. The two most common issues for this plant are drooping and yellow leaves.
Drooping is from too little water. Your plant will look sad, and its stems will droop downwards. The leaves will look dry and dull. Because this plant doesn’t need a lot of water, take care and pay attention to the soil before watering. But if your plant is droopy, it needs water. This type of plant bounces back easily and quickly once you water it.
Yellow leaves can mean old age or nutrient deficiency. The most likely culprit, though, is overwatering. Check your soil. If it’s too wet, you may see yellowing leaves.
Is your Manjula Pothos plant going from white and green to all green? If so, it is reverting. Reverting is usually caused by too little light. While it is true that most pothos plants can tolerate low light conditions, more variegated Pothos needs more light, or they lose their trademark white splotches.
Brown Spots
Brown spots are usually caused by:
- Salt build-up in the soil.
- Too much water. You could be watering too often. Are you letting the top part of the soil dry out before you water?
- Too much light. If your plant’s leaves look scorched, especially in the lighter areas, it could be too much direct sunlight.
Pothos plants with white variegation, like Manjula Pothos, often show more brown leaves. Start by watering less and moving to a less sunny location. If these two steps don’t solve your issue, consider giving your plant some fresh soil.
If the leaves look brown and crispy, you’re most likely dealing with a lack of humidity.
Keep an eye out for common houseplant pests like mealybugs, scale, fungus gnats, and spider mites. Treat any pest infestations with insecticidal soap or neem oil right away. When you check for pests regularly as part of your care routine, you will catch potential infestations early, making them easier to treat and eradicate.
The most common pest in Manjula Pothos is the mealybug. Mealybugs thrive in the same conditions that your Pothos plant thrives in – warm and humid. Mealybugs are tiny insects that look like caterpillars with scales. From far away, they look like little bits of cotton.
If you notice mealybugs, you’ll want to spray your plant right away with insecticidal soap.

FAQ’s: Manjula Pothos
Compared to other pothos plants, the Manjula Pothos is harder to come by and could be considered rare.
This plant is a slow-growing plant. When plants have the beautiful variegation that the Manjula Pothos has, they take in less light and produce less chlorophyll.
Chlorophyll gives plants their green color, and it helps plants create their own food through photosynthesis. The white parts of the plant do not include any chlorophyll. So, when there is more white and therefore less chlorophyll, the plant has less energy to grow. With less energy to grow, a plant will grow slower.
Manjula Pothos plants can reach tremendous heights of 60 feet (18 m) in outdoor settings. However, potted plants kept indoors will grow only up to 6 feet (1.8 m) in height and be less dense.
All parts of every Pothos plant are considered toxic to cats, dogs, and humans. Keep these plants well out of the reach of small children and pets.
If the plant is eaten, it will cause irritation, vomiting, and other unpleasant issues.
Mature Marble Pothos plants do trail. They look great climbing up moss poles or dangling from high shelves to show off their beautiful foliage. A hanging basket is a popular spot for this trailing plant’s charming leaves.
Other Pothos Varieties to Love
Several variegated pothos varieties look similar, but if you know what to look for, you can tell them apart.
Manjula Pothos vs. Marble Queen Pothos
The most distinct difference between these two pothos plants is the leaves. Leaves on both plants are large, but the Marble Queen leaves are narrower. Marble Queen leaves also lay flat, whereas Manjula leaves have wavy edges.
Another noticeable difference is in the leaf variegation. Manjula Pothos is patchy or swirly with three colors: white, gold/cream, and dark green. In contrast, Marble Queen Pothos variegation is more streaky or speckled and usually only has two colors – green and white/cream. The Marble Queen almost looks like someone took a paintbrush and speckled its leaves.
How Manjula Pothos differs from the parent plant ‘Marble Queen’ as submitted to the US Patent Office: [source]
- The leaves are much smaller than the leaves of the parent plant.
- Leaves are different in shape compared to leaves of the parent plant.
- Leaves are not smooth compared with the leaves of the parent plant.
Marble Queen Pothos is a much more common variety of Pothos.
Read our complete Marble Queen Pothos Care Guide.

Manjula Pothos vs. Snow Queen Pothos
The Manjula Pothos plant can be easily mistaken for a Snow Queen Pothos or more variegated Marble Queen, especially from a distance. A closer look at the leaves will reveal the difference. The Marble and Snow queens have only white variegation, and the Manjula leaves show both cream and pale green on a dark green background.
Also, the Snow Queen’s leaves have green coming from the stem and white through the leaf. Manjula has white coming from the stem and green throughout.
While there may be streaks of white on the green Snow Queen stem, the stem is still predominantly green.
Pothos N’Joy vs. Manjula Pothos
The easiest way to tell N’joy Pothos and Manjula Pothos apart is the leaf size and shape of the plant. N’Joy Pothos have small leaves and a vining growth. Manjula has large leaves and a more bushy look.

Pearls and Jade Pothos vs. Manjula Pothos
The Manjula also has a similar look to the Pearls and Jade Pothos. You will notice the most significant difference in the leaves. The lead edges of the Maula are curved, and the Pearls and Jade leaves are flat.
The Manjula Pothos leaves are more white than green, whereas the pearls and jade pothos are predominantly green with white streaks. Manjula plants also have broader, rounder leaves compared to a narrower, slightly sharper appearance for the pearl and jade.
Read our complete Pearls and Jade Pothos Care Guide.

Harlequin Pothos vs. Manjula Pothos
Harlequin Pothos looks exceptionally similar to Manjula Pothos. If you put the two pothos plants side by side, they are just about the same, and it will be difficult to tell them apart, especially if the Manjula Pothos is highly variegated.
White is more prevalent in the Harlequin Pothos. The Harlequin is strictly green and white, whereas the Manjula will tend to have some different shades of green and gold.
Where to Buy Manjula Pothos
Manjula Pothos may be difficult to find at your local nursery. We suggest calling around first to see if your favorite garden spots have one in stock or can order one for you.
This pothos plant is not readily available and can be challenging to find in stock at local plant nurseries. However, they are readily available on websites like Amazon and Etsy and from other online retailers.
Price will vary from website to website, so we recommend shopping around and purchasing from a reputable seller with good reviews.
Pro tip: You may also see the Manjula Pothos plant labeled Epipremnum Happy Leaf.
Why is Manjula Pothos so expensive? This plant is patented. A patent legally prevents growers from reproducing the protected plant without the written authorization or licensing of the patent holder.
Once a plant variety is patented (or has a patent pending), the patent holder receives a royalty for each plant sold. This process adds cost and complication to anyone trying to grow and appropriately sell the plant.
Patenting or trademarking gives plant varieties more value because they are harder to find. HIgh demand and low supply make for higher prices. Also, plant enthusiasts will pay more for a plant that they see as rare and hard to find.
Final Thoughts on Manjula Pothos
If you’re looking for an indoor plant that is impressive looking but easy to care for, this is it!
Some items we discussed that will help you care for this unique plant and keep it growing strong:
Good luck growing your Manjula Pothos plant and making it part of your cozy, fresh, and green home!