Monstera Borsigiana is an easy to care for house plant that’s super popular for home decor and among plant enthusiasts of all levels.
This large monstera variety with dark green leaves looks very similar to the popular Monstera Deliciosa and is probably a variation of it, but with a few distinct differences.
Some resources say that Borsigiana and Monstera Deliciosa are the same plant (sometimes also called the Swiss Cheese plant). I would argue it doesn’t matter and that all the debate could benefit you. Borsigiana tends to be less expensive and has just about the same look as the Monstera Deliciosa. Whatever you call it, this monstera plant is stunning and a fantastic addition to your indoor plant collection!
Here are some differences you may find between Monstera Deliciosa and Borsigiana plants that will help you identify the Monster Borsigiana:
- Size: Borsigiana leaves are smaller (1 ½ foot wide), while Monstera Deliciosa leaves are larger (3 feet wide) and feel leathery.
- Growth rate: Monstera Borsigiana grows fast while Monstera Deliciosa grows slow. Both are tropical plants.
- Climbing: Monstera Borsigiana grows in a vertical vine-like structure from the start, while Monstera Deliciosa starts by growing horizontally to the ground until it matures and then begins to grow upward.
- Price: Monstera Borsigiana is priced relatively low, whereas Monstera Deliciosa is priced between $20 and $100.
Another remarkable feature of Monstera Borsigiana is that it sometimes gets variegated leaves – a highly sought-after trait for many plant lovers! The Variegated Monstera Borsigiana is called Monstera Albo.
So, how do you care for a Monstera Borsigiana?
Monstera Borsigiana Care
Here are the basics of Monstera Borsigiana care and how to grow Monstera Borsigiana, which we will detail in this article.
- Soil: Loose, airy, well-draining potting mix
- Light: Bright but indirect sunlight
- Water: Water when the top 2 inches of soil feel dry to the touch
- Humidity: Medium to high levels of humidity
- Pruning: As needed to maintain desired shape and size
- Where to buy: Many choices in a wide variety of prices are available on Etsy.

The best Monstera Borsigiana soil is a loose, airy, well-draining potting mix. You can use regular potting soil with some additions. Add peat moss, perlite, and orchid bark. These additions will improve the drainage of your soil while also letting it hold enough moisture to keep the soil slightly damp.
Perlite and orchid bark will help water run through the soil quickly, which will help prevent root rot.
Monstera Borsigiana prefers alkaline to acidic soil (most houseplants prefer acidic soil). Alkaline soil has a pH level ranging from 7-14.
Check the acidity of your soil with an inexpensive soil meter.

Fertilize regularly with a 5-2-3 liquid fertilizer. During the growing season (spring and summer), use fertilizer each time you water your plant. Fertilize less in the fall and winter – about every other time you water.
Choose a pot with multiple drainage holes that are about 2-3 inches larger than your plant’s root ball. Do not use an overly large pot, as this can lead to overwatering.
Monstera Borsignia plants are climbers by nature. Use a support like a sphagnum moss pole to support your potted plant.
Read our detailed guide: Moss Pole for Plants | What They Are and Why You Need One

When Should I Repot Monstera Borsigiana?
Your Monstera Borsigiana doesn’t mind being rootbound. Because of this, you don’t need to hurry when in repotting. It is best only to repot when required.
Repot the Monstera once it starts coming out from the drainage holes on the bottom of the pot. Seeing roots coming out means the plant is spreading outward, searching for more soil.
In general, you’ll need to repot your plant once every two years or so.
Pick a pot about an inch or two wider than your current pot. A slightly larger pot allows the roots to grow and the plant to develop.
How to Repot Monstera Borsigiana
Re-potting a Monstera Borsigiana is similar to any other houseplant.
Water the plant about half an hour before you begin removing it from its container. Monstera roots tend to grow fast and can cling to the sides of the pot. Water will soften the soil and make removing your plant from its pot easier.
When it is time to repot, follow these steps:
- Find a cute new pot (with a drainage hole) that’s about 2 inches larger than your current one.
- Get some fresh potting mix that is well-draining. Add some perlite if desired for extra drainage and moss to retain moisture. Orchid bark is also a great addition.
- Carefully remove your plant from the current pot.
- Check the root ball for any signs of poor health. Be sure it is not mushy or soft. If you do see anything wrong, carefully trim away the damaged roots.
- Add your potting mix to the pot, about ⅓ to ½ full, so that the plant stands out of the pot at roughly the same height it did in the old pot.
- Once your plant is in, fill the rest of the pot with soil. Keep the soil loose and not too compact.
When removing your plant from its old pot, be careful not to damage any roots. Untangle the roots as much as possible and carefully place the plant into its new pot. After repotting, be diligent about watering and ensure your plant gets the right amount of light.
Sun/Light Requirements
All Monstera varieties, Borsigiana included, prefer bright, indirect sunlight. While Borsigiana can tolerate 3 to 6 hours of direct sunlight, too much sun exposure can burn and scorch its leaves. Place your plant close to a bright window but not directly in the sun.
This plant can tolerate some low light but monitor it for a few weeks to see how it reacts. If growth slows way down, you may consider moving it to a location with more light.
Your Monstera Borsigiana will grow more quickly and develop more splits (fenestrations) with the right light. So make sure it gets plenty of sunshine! If you don’t have a spot with enough natural light, you can supplement with a grow light.
Try a grow light with a timer so you can set it and forget it.

How to Water Monstera Borsigiana
Water your Monstera Borsigiana when the top 2-3 inches of soil are dry to the touch. On average, your plant will need water about once a week during the active growing season (spring and summer).
We recommend always going by touch rather than watering on a schedule. Stick your index finger down 2 inches into the potting soil. If it feels dry, go ahead and water your plant. If it is still moist, wait 1 or 2 days and check again.
When it’s time to water, slowly add water to the soil until it just starts to drain out the bottom, then empty the drainage tray.
You shouldn’t worry if you miss a few watering sessions here and there, but don’t make it a habit. Don’t let your plant stay completely dry for too long. Monstera can handle being too dry for a short period (they are somewhat drought tolerant).

Monstera Borsigiana is a tropical plant and thrives in a warm and moist environment. Aim for an environment with medium to high humidity levels (50-60%) and keep your Monstera Borsigiana out of dry air.
Your average home temperature and humidity are probably OK. Still, if you live in a very dry area or your house is dry from running your furnace, you may want to set up a humidifier near your Borsigiana.
Keep your plant away from heating and air conditioning vents, space heaters, drafts, and fireplaces.
Pro Tip: An inexpensive hygrometer is a wise investment in testing the humidity level in your home and adjusting it accordingly for your plants.
We have two fantastic articles detailing humidifiers for plants:
Monstera Borisgiana thrives in the same temperatures that you probably already keep your home – 65-80 ºF.
If the temperature drops below 60 ºF for an extended period, your plant will stop growing and eventually die.
Place your Monstera plants somewhere in your home with a steady temperature throughout the year. Avoid air vents and drafty doors or windows.
Pruning your Monstera Borsigiana is important for its health and appearance. Without pruning, your plant could get very big and start to look messy. Damaged or dead leaves look ugly and cause the plant to use valuable resources.
Prune using sharp and sterile knives or scissors. Avoid plucking since that can cause the plant to bruise. Using dirty tools is a bacteria infection risk. Also, use gloves to avoid skin irritation.
How to Propagate Monstera Borsigiana
A stem cutting is the easiest and best way to propagate a Monstera Borsigiana.
Step One: Gather Supplies
Before you begin, gather the following materials:
- Fresh, well-draining potting soil
- Small pot
- Gass jar filled with water
- Sterilized pruning shears
Step 2: Decide Where to Cut
For this propagation method to succeed, you will need to cut the stem right below a node.
- Find a healthy stem with at least two leaves and is at least 4-6 inches long above the node.
- Make your cut below the node.
- Remove any lower leaves and leave two or three younger ones on your cutting.

Step 3: Place Your Cutting in New Soil or Water
- Borsigiana cuttings will easily grow roots so that you can place them directly in the soil.
- You might also choose to place them in a glass container filled with water. If you select the water method, we recommend using filtered water.
- After three to six weeks, you will see new roots forming. When the roots have grown about an inch or two, move them to a more permanent pot with a well-draining potting mix.
- Water the soil and keep it moist. Leave it in a warm, humid place with bright, filtered light.
- Soon, you’ll see leaves sprout.
Size and Growth of Monstera Borsigiana
The Monstera Borsigiana can grow up to 15 feet tall in its natural environment. Indoors it will only reach 4 to 10 feet. It’s a sizable plant with large leaves that layer over one another.
Monstera Borsigiana Problems
No Fenestration (Leaves Have No Splits/Holes)
The Monstera plants, Borsigiana included, have leaf fenestration – those slits or holey leaves that distinguish them from other plants.
When there are no slits and holes, two reasons are possible:
- Your plant is too young, so you only need to wait for it to develop and care for it properly
- Your plant isn’t getting enough light or nutrients

Spider Mites
The Borsigiana doesn’t have many issues with pests or diseases.
However, if your plant does get pests, the two most common are spider mites and scale. Both pests damage your plate by sucking on the sap, which robs the plant of nutrients and moisture.
You will know you’re dealing with spider mites if you start to see webbing on the underside of your leaves or tiny black thrips (a small bug) on the leaves.
If you notice this, be sure to start treating with insecticides immediately, as they can be incredibly damaging to your plant.

Brown Scale
Brown scales also feed on sap. Brown scales can kill your Monstera Peru if the infestation gets out of control. For most of their short life, brown scales don’t move. They are tiny and look like flat brown spots scattered under the leaves of your plant.
Brown scales can be challenging to get rid of. You can use alcohol or neem oil on a swab and apply it to all areas of the brown scale. Be diligent. It could take several applications before you see results.
Root rot
Avoid overwatering. Excess watering can cause root rot, which is never good and can kill your plant. Check the roots immediately if you think your plant might have root rot. If they are soft and mushy, you will need to take care of this right away.
FAQ’s: Monstera Borsigiana
Is Monstera Borsigiana toxic to pets and people?
Yes, Monstera Borsigiana is moderately toxic to both people and pets (cats and dogs). Some irritation symptoms include vomiting, too much drooling, mouth swelling. Keep small children and pets away from this plant.
Other Monstera Varieties
Monstera Borsigiana vs Deliciosa
We’ve briefly discussed this within the article above but let’s dive into the details of what is the difference between Borsigiana and Monstera Deliciosa?
Monstera Borsigiana can be challenging to separate from Monstera Deliciosa when they are young because they appear indistinguishable. The Borsigiana variety is slightly smaller than Deliciosa, and they grow faster.
The best way to tell the two varieties apart is to look at the stem: Monstera Deliciosa typically forms ruffles or bumps on its leaf base while Borsigiana doesn’t.
Borsigianas also fenestrate (split leaves) in neater, more even rows. Monstera Deliciosa fenestrations are much more random throughout each leaf.
Monstera Borsigiana vs Albo
Albos is a monster plant with variegation that is pure white. Monstera Albo leaves are generally smaller and probably won’t grow bigger than about 12 inches in size.

Monstera Borsigiana vs Thai Constellation
The Thai Constellation is a common Monstera Deliciosa variety, with striking white patterns on its leaves. The scientific name for this variety is Monstera Deliciosa Thai Constellation. It’s one of the most popular Monsteras.

Even more Monsteras to love:
- Monstera Pinnatipartita
- Monstera Dubia
- Monstera Adansonii
- Monstera Peru (Read our detailed Monstera Peru Care Guide)
You’ll also love the Mini-Monstera: Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma.

Where to Buy Monstera Borsigiana Plant
Monstera Borsigiana can often be found T your local nursery or chain home improvement store. Take a close look because they may be labeled Monstera Deliciosa (or even split-leaf philodendron). One way to tell right away is to look for ruffles on the stem. If there are none, you’ve most likely found a Borsigiana!
You may find established plants or cuttings. You can also find these plants online. Try searching “Monstera Borsigiana” on Etsy.
As always, be sure to check reviews and ratings to make sure you’re buying from a reputable seller.
Final Thoughts on Monstera Borsigiana
If you’re looking for an indoor plant that’s a big, beautiful, and bold addition to your home decor, this is it!
Some items we discussed that will help you with Borsigiana plant care to keep it growing strong:
Good luck growing your Monstera Borsigiana plant and making it part of your cozy, fresh, and green home!
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