Pink Princess Philodendron, or PPP Plant, is a trend-setting bright pink stunner and one of our top choices for indoor plants.
Philodendrons, in general, are easy to care for tropical plants. Pink Philodendrons are surprisingly low-maintenance, given their name and beauty.
When you properly care for it, your PPP plant will have more vibrant pink variegation and darker greens on its heart-shaped leaves.
So, how do you take care of a Pink Princess?

Pink Princess Philodendron Care
Here are the basic steps to caring for a Pink Princess Philodendron, which we will go over in much more detail in this article.
- Soil: Well-draining potting mix. Use a balanced liquid fertilizer.
- Pot: Any pot with good drainage and give it a support to climb
- Light: Bright, indirect light to help keep its bright pink variegation
- Water: Allow the top inch of soil to dry out between watering
- Humidity: At least 50% humidity
- Pruning: Prune leaves that aren’t variegated
The best soil for Pink Princess Philodendron is a well-draining potting soil with perlite and horticultural charcoal mixed in. You want your soil to be airy, and you want slightly acidic soil.
As with any Philodendron, your PPP plant will do best in a soil mix high in organic matter. You can also use your favorite soilless potting mix, but be sure to add a good amount of perlite.
A peat-based soil also works well. Rich, organic peat is fertile and holds moisture, and the other ingredients allow excess water to drain.
You could also mix in some coco coir.
Pro tip: To make it easy on yourself, head to your local big-box store. Read the bags and buy a potting mix that included perlite, orchid bark, and peat moss as the soil. This mix is called an Aroid Potting Mix.
Our favorite Philodendron soil mix:
Always plant your Philodendron Pink Princess in a pot with suitable drainage holes. We recommend terra cotta pots because they offer extra breathability. Usually, we’re not picky when it comes to pots, but if you’ve spent a pretty penny on this tropical plant, you want to make sure you’re doing everything possible to help your pink princess thrive.
Choose a pot at least 2 inches higher and 2 inches wider than the root ball. This size will allow the roots room to grow.
Use a Moss Pole for Your Philodendron Pink Princess
Philodendron Pink Princess is a vining plant, so you should give it a trellis or post to climb on. As it grows, loosely tie the vine to the support structure.
A moss post, cedar board, or any other support will work.
Moss Pole:
Read our detailed guide: Moss Pole for Plants | What They Are and Why You Need One
How to Repot Philodendren Pink Princess
You’ll likely need to re-pot your Pink Princess every year or two. Check to see if your plant is root-bound. Your plant is likely root-bound if you see roots poking through the drainage holes. Rootbound means that the plant’s roots have grown so much that they have taken up the pot and formed into a hard ball. Your plant needs a bigger pot – go up an inch or two at a time.
- Water your plant the day before you plan to re-pot. Watering minimizes stress.
- Remove your plant from its container and remove all soil from the roots.
- Fill your new pot halfway with potting mix and any extras you want to add, such as perlite.
- Put the plant in the new pot.
- Fill the remaining space with your potting mix.
- Gently press around the stems to support the plant.
- Water thoroughly.
Light Requirements
How much light does a Philodendron Pink Princess need? Your PPP plant prefers bright, indirect light. Bright light encourages more bright pink variegation!
Bright, indirect light means 3-4 hours of sunlight per day. Morning sun is best.
Some direct sun is fine, but full sun will damage this tropical plant, especially the variegated regions – less pink!
The best place to put Pink Princess Philodendron is near an east- or west-facing window.
If you desire more pink variegation but don’t have enough natural light, a grow light will do the trick.
Grow lamp:

How to Water Pink Princess Philodendron
How much water does Pink Princess Philodendron need? Allow the top few inches of soil to dry out between waterings. The soil should be damp, never soggy. Overwatering this plant can cause fungal issues and root rot.
Pour water into the pot until it drains out the bottom.
With a plant this pricey, you’ll want to be SURE you’re watering it correctly. Consider purchasing a moisture meter for your PPP Plant. A moisture meter level of 4 is perfect for the Philodendron Pink Princess. That means it’s time to water when your moisture meter reaches level 4.
If you don’t have a moisture meter yet, stick your finger a couple of inches down into the soil and see if you feel moisture. If the top couple of inches are dry, water your plant.
Pro Tip: Take caution. It is better to under-water than to overwater it.
Moisture Meter:

Does Pink Princess Philodendron like humidity? Like any Philodendron, Pink Princess will appreciate higher humidity levels. If you can provide at least 50% humidity, your plant will thank you with even more pink.
Your home may be extra dry in the winter, so keep an eye on your humidity levels. If the humidity is too low, new variegated leaves may tear or become stuck or deformed.
If new leaves seem more petite than the more mature ones, or you see crinkled leaves, low humidity could be the cause. You’ll want to create more humid conditions.
Should I mist my Pink Princess Philodendron? Sure! Misting every few days can add humidity to the plant, and they’ll enjoy the extra water. However, misting alone may not be enough to give them the moisture they need. The easiest and best way to ensure the correct humidity levels is a plant humidifier.
We have two fantastic articles detailing humidifiers for plants:
Best Humidifier for Plants
How to Use a Humidifier for Plants
Pro Tip: An inexpensive hygrometer is a wise investment in testing the humidity level in your home and adjusting it accordingly for your plants.
When pruning your PPP plant, you’ll want to leave a mix of pink variegated and non-variegated leaves. Make sure you don’t only leave the all pink leaves or leaves that are more than half pink (if you’re lucky enough to have some, that is!) Your plant will not remain healthy will all pink leaves.
The pink leaves have no chlorophyll. Plants use chlorophyll to make their food. If your pink princess has no chlorophyll, it can’t collect energy from the sun for food and will starve to death.
How to Prune Pink Princess Philodendron
To prune a Philodendron erubescens, always make a clean cut just above the node—the place where leaves attach to the stem. New pink and dark green or burgundy leaves will grow from the node. Pruning not only helps encourage new growth but helps control height if space in your room is limited.
How to Grow Pink Princess Philodendron From Seed
Can you grow Pink Princess from seed? Yes and no. If you buy Pink Princess Philodendron seeds and care for them properly, a plant will grow. Will it be the PPP you’re looking for? Probably not. It is most likely that the plants you grow will “revert” to a typical green philodendron.
If someone gives you some free seeds, and you want to give it a try – go for it. But don’t pay for the seeds – you might be getting scammed.
How to Solve Common Pink Princess Philodendron Issues
Reverting (Losing Variegation)
Do pink princess philodendrons revert? If your plant has started to grow all green leaves with no pink, simply prune your plant back to the next leaf with a good mix of green and beautiful pink variegation. Trimming will encourage future growth to be more heavily variegated.
When cutting, make sure to use clean/ sanitized shears. Treat the cut with some cinnamon powder to prevent infection/rot.
Brown Leaves
Brown leaves on your Pink Philodendron can mean too much direct sun, very dry air (keep your plant away from heating vents), or improper watering (too much or too little). Be careful not to overwater as it can cause root rot.
There are several common pests that can affect Pink Princess Philodendron plants, including spider mites, mealybugs, scale insects, and thrips. These pests can cause a range of problems, including yellowing leaves, stunted growth, and even death of the plant if left untreated.
Spider mites are tiny pests that can cause yellowing and browning of leaves, as well as webbing on the plant. Mealybugs are small, white, cottony insects that can cause yellowing and wilting of leaves, as well as stunted growth. Scale insects are small, hard-shelled insects that can cause yellowing and leaf drop, as well as a sticky residue on the plant. Thrips are small, slender insects that can cause silvering of leaves and distorted growth.
To prevent and control these pests, it is important to keep your Pink Princess Philodendron plant healthy and well-maintained. This includes providing it with proper lighting, watering, and fertilization, as well as regularly inspecting the plant for signs of pests. If you do notice pests on your plant, you can try using insecticidal soap or neem oil to control them. It is also a good idea to isolate the affected plant from other plants to prevent the spread of pests.
Questions and Answers: Pink Princess Philodendron
Is the Pink Princess Philodendron Rare?
The PPP plant is a rare plant because there is no guarantee that it will produce pink leaves when grown, even if the mother plant is pink. Many commercial plant growers don’t even bother trying to grow this plant because they end up throwing so many green plants away. Because they are not often grown in the plant world, they can be tough to find.
How Do You Keep a Pink Princess Philodendron Pink?
You can keep your pink philodendron pink by not letting it get too pink. Yes, it’s true. When the leaves turn all pink or primarily pink, your plant can’t produce the chlorophyll it needs to stay healthy. Enjoy the all pink leaves for a couple of days and take many pictures, but then cut them off. Your plant will be healthier and more beautiful in the long run.
On the flip side, if your plant has reverted to primarily green leaves, you will need to prune your plant before it’s too late and the plant produces nothing but green leaves. Simply prune your plant back to the last leaf that has a nice balance of pink and green.
Also, keep in mind that a more mature plant will be darker and have hotter pinks. Younger plants tend to be more green, and any pink variegation that does show up is lighter.
How Fast Does Pink Princess Philodendron Grow?
Pink Princess can grow up to two to three feet tall as a houseplant! It is slower growing than many Philodendrons, but you can help it along by giving it the sunlight it needs and a support pole to climb.
How Can You Tell a Fake Pink Princess Philodendron?
When the Philodendron Pink Princess rose in popularity, so did a “knock-off” called the Pink Congo. So, how do you know the difference? What will tell you if you’re being sold a real or a fake Pink Princess?
The Philodendron Pink Congo looks very similar to the Philodendron Pink Princess, except its leaves are a bit pointier, and they’re entirely pink as if someone dipped them in paint. The knock-off is pink because it’s injected with gas. It will not stay pink.
Take a good look at the plant (in person or ask for multiple photos). If it looks too pink to be true, it’s probably a fake pink princess.
Why Is My Philodendron Pink Princess Not Pink?
There are a couple of reasons why your Pink Princess Philodendron isn’t pink:
- It’s not that the PPP Plant isn’t pink, it’s just not pink yet. If you have a young plant, give it some time. You may start to see speckles of pink soon! It’s not mature enough.
- It’s not getting enough light. Give your Philodendron Pink Princess bright indirect light for at least 8 hours a day, either near a window or with grow lights. Light will bring out the pink.
Why Are Pink Princess Philodendron So Expensive?
Cuttings of a PPP can cost upwards of $100. But why? Short answer – it’s rare. Not many plant growers are willing to take the time and energy to grow this plant in bulk for the mass market. Even when it is produced from a plant with lots of pinks, there is no guarantee that the new plan will turn pink.
If you’ve seen these beauties on Instagram, you know they’re trending, and this increase in demand has made them even harder to come by.
Where Does Pink Princess Philodendron Come From?
Philodendron Pink Princess is a rare, heavily variegated member of the philodendron family. Philodendrons are a tropical species native to Colombia.
The Philodendron Pink Princess was probably (there is no documentation, but plant experts are making an educated guess) started by a man in Florida and then sold to a local retailer. From there, it spread around the world because of its unique pink color and variegation.
If you’re curious about the whole history (and want to see an AMAZING Pink Princess), check out this video on where the PPP plant came from.
Buyer Beware: Plants Similar to Philodendron Pink Princess
Pink Princess Philodendron vs. Pink Congo
The Pink Congo is a scam. “Pink Congo Philodendron” is often marketed as a Pink Princess Philodendron. DO NOT BUY!
The Pink Philodendron Congo is pink because it is injected with a synthetic chemical. The solid pink leaves on this imitation plant will eventually revert to all green. You will not get the pink plant that you are looking for.
The pink in Pink Princess Philodendron occurs naturally, and an actual PPP plant will keep a balance of pink and green variegation for its lifespan when adequately cared for.
Philodendron Strawberry Shake vs. Pink Princess
These are two different plants, but both are expensive! Pink Princess leaves are strictly green and light pink. Strawberry Shake leaves can have many shades of green, pink, orange, yellow, and red.
Half Moon Philodendron Pink Princess
As far as I can tell, there is no such thing as a “Half Moon Philodendron Pink Princess.” Buyer beware if a shop is trying to sell this to you.
Black Cherry Pink Princess Philodendron
What is philodendron black cherry vs pink princess? Some say that philodendron black cherry is a variety of pink princess. Others say this is a mutated version of pink princess that has deep, darker leaves with purplish variegation.
The black cherry is often sold at very high prices. If you purchase a philodendron black cherry, only do so from a reputable seller.
Philodendron Black Cherry vs Pink Princess
Philodendron Black Cherry and Philodendron Pink Princess are both popular cultivars of the Philodendron genus of plants native to the tropical regions of Central and South America.
Philodendron Black Cherry is known for its deep maroon or almost black leaves with glossy texture. It is a relatively slow-growing plant; its leaves can grow up to a foot long.
On the other hand, Philodendron Pink Princess is known for its pink and green variegated leaves. The amount of pink can vary depending on the light it receives, but it can range from light pink to bright fuchsia. It is a faster-growing plant than the Black Cherry, and its leaves can grow up to two feet long.
The Black Cherry prefers lower light and consistently moist soil, while the Pink Princess requires more light and well-draining soil.

Philodendron White Princess With Pink
The Philodendron White Princess will sometimes produce a partially pink leaf. Depending on the plant, this could happen once or many times over the life of the plant. You will not know this when you purchase a White Princess. Be aware if anyone is trying to guarantee you will see pink on your white princess.
Where to Buy Pink Princess Philodendron
It’s unlikely that you’ll find a PPP at your local gardening center. Of course, it wouldn’t hurt to call around and ask.
You can usually find Pink Princess Philodendrons on Etsy. Buy from a reputable Esty seller and be aware of the following:
- Don’t buy cuttings or plants that are all pink. As discussed earlier, a healthier plant will have variegation to bring in chlorophyll from the sun to make its own food. You want leaves that are at least 50% green.
- That said, make sure you’re getting the plant in the photo or ask the seller for a photo of the exact plant you’ll be getting.
- Order during warmer months. You don’t want your Philodendron Pink Princess Plants traveling through the cold.
Pink Plants That Are Less Expensive and Easier to Find
Pink Calathea Ornata

Calathea Ornata (Pink Calathea or Calathea With Pink Stripes) is much more difficult to grow than the Pink Philodendron but is easier to get your hands on in the first place. It’s a gorgeous plant with pink stripes on large green leaves.
Read our detailed Calathea Ornata Care Guide.
Pink Tradescantia Nanouk (Pink Wandering Jew)

The Tradescantia Nanouk plant is a flowering house plant known for its vibrantly variegated pinkish-purple and lime green foliage. Give it indirect sun and watch its colors come to life in your home.
Read our detailed Tradescantia Nanouk Care Guide
Pink Syngonium

Pink Syngonium (Syngonium podophyllum) or Arrowhead Plant is a hardy evergreen with vibrant pink leaves. They’re relatively easy to grow but want to spread everywhere.
Read our detailed Pink Syngonium Care Guide
Pink Polka Dot Plant

The Polka Dot Plant shows off red, pink, or white leaves marked with splashes of dark green. (Not to be confused with the Polka Dot Begonia, which is only green and white.)
Tradescantia Nanouk

Tradescantia Nanouk, also known as Fantasy Venice, is a trending plant right now on Instagram because of its pretty bright green, pink & purple, fuzzy-ish leaves growing on chunky stems.
Read our complete Tradescantia Nanouk Care Guide.
Final Thoughts on Pink Princess Philodendron
If you’re looking for a house plant that’s as stunning as it is low maintenance, this sometimes rare plant is it! I hope this article has helped you learn how to care for your Pink Princess Philodendron.
Some items we discuss that will help you care for your pink pothos plant and keep it growing strong:
Good luck growing your Pink Princesses and making them part of your cozy, fresh, and green home!
Calathea White Star (Top Tips & Care Guide)
Pink Syngonium (Care Guide & Growing Tips)
Calathea Ornata (Care Guide & Growing Tips)
Tradescantia Nanouk Care Guide & Growing Tips
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